This article was published on Apr 4th, 2013

Did you know that 90% of website owners are not happy with how their site ranks in the search engines?

Did you know that 1 in 10 websites actually generate any kind of income for their owners simply because they are not being found by the search engine for their pertinent keywords? Are you the one whose site is generating income? Or part of the 90 percent of owners who are not?

Did you know that the best way to generate tons of qualified traffic to any website is to deliver high quality, highly contextual anchor text back linking from quality sites from all corners of this earth of ours?

Did you know that the easiest part of bringing traffic to a site is search engine optimization?

Did you also know that SEO, can only be responsible for a tiny fraction of the traffic you site could get? And that Back Linking is responsible for providing the bulk of all traffic?

Back Linking is the most powerful means of driving qualified traffic to your site, and remains as such in spite of the latest de-indexing policies recently imposed by Google on a plethora of blog network. In fact, not only is it still the most potent method of bringing visitors to a site, the very fact that Google has gone after (and deindexed) “bad neighborhood” blog networks is the clearest indication that quality back links, from quality sites remains the best traffic generating mechanism for your site, and it is not going to change.

The easiest analogy to this is this:

If you have spent any time in your garden you will know that one of the things you will likely have to do often is to control weeds in your lawn and garden. Controlling weeds doesn’t mean that you want to eradicate your lawn, just that you want to remove what you don’t like and keep it as flush and beautiful as you can make it.

The lawn is to a garden what millions of websites are to Google. Just as you endeavor to make your lawn weed free, so does Google try to remove from its index countless websites that bring no value to you and I who happen to be Google customers!

If you want to outrank your competitor, then you need to get more backlinks to your site than your competitor. Simple as that.  Of course there are certain conditions that have to be met, such as the quality of your content, basic seo etc…

If Back Linking is so powerful, how can it be done?

Let’s put it this way.  Back linking is one the toughest things to do in internet marketing and is the main reason why so many websites don’t rank very well at all for any of their relevant keywords.

Backlinking is also a tricky strategy since it is important that a person who uses that vital method to bring quality traffic to a site does so without breaking any of the rules imposed by the search engines.  Use a bad strategy and your site could end up being discarded.  Use the right strategy and there is no limit to what you can achieve for your site.