This article was published on Apr 26th, 2012

Panda, Panda, will you do a dance for me


A lot has been written about the latest Google Panda Algorithm Changes and to say that there is confusion as to the extent of the search engine giant’s intentions is an understatement.

If you are an Internet Marketer, then chances are that some of your sites have been hit by the changes in the latest Google Algorithm.  Indeed, not only have so-called “black hat search engine marketers” been hit by the latest dance but so have “white hat SEO professionals”, (still in the majority) who have never used an “unethical technique” in order to make their sites rank better.

For many of us, the latest changes are a vindication of sort, that the use of black hat methods will eventually be found out by Google, but such is the scope of earning potential, that many of these folks were earning tens of thousands of dollars every month did not mind pushing the SEO envelope too far.  Problem is that some of them pushed it way too far, and Google got fed up with it.

As the dust slowly settles, and the latest changes finally settle throughout the various data banks, what conclusions can anyone involved in maintaining and promoting a website draw?


  • Google will penalize over-optimized websites
  • Google has de-indexed entire blog networks
  • Google is going after “un-natural” backlinks
  • Google likes authority sites

How to survive in this new environment?

  • Algorithm changes are not new
  • They are here to stay
  • Every cycle sees changes that affect some website owners more than others
  • For some, the latest change has been one too many
  • For others, it is an opportunity to learn, modify, adapt

What will you do?

  • Will you join the statistics of those who call it a day?
  • Are you in it to survive?
  • Learn?
  • Make money?
  • Thrive?

Is SEO really DEAD?

This is an ancient question.  Some say it is, whilst others don’t agree.  This debate will continue to rage and in the meantime, some will continue to make money by using SEO methods that work whilst others will continue to argue.

What worked in the past?

  • Add quality content to a site
  • Increase the exposure of your site by building quality backlinks to your site… naturally
  • Use Social Media
  • Do all of the above regularly

What works today?

  • Add quality content to a site
  • Increase the exposure of your site by building quality backlinks to your site… naturally
  • Use Social Media
  • Do all of the above regularly

Wait!  Didn’t I just say?

  • Google will penalize over-optimization
  • Google has de-indexed blog networks
  • Google is going after “un-natural” backlinks

Yes, but methods to drive traffic to your site have not changed!


Google is getting better at discovering and de-indexing websites that push the … SEO envelope too far. However In spite of the recent algorithm changes, Google still needs your help:

  • To find what your site is all about
  • To determine the theme of your site
  • To establish a list of keywords that are relevant to your site
  • To make a determination as to whether your site adds value to its customer basis.

Google is in this business to make money

And so are you! There are many things you can do right now to ensure that your internet marketing strategy is optimized:

How to Optimize your IM strategy?

  • Do it yourself
    • We offer many articles written in plain English designed for the beginner
  • We do it for you
    • By providing affordable and effective  SEO solutions
    • By providing a linking strategy that works